Luminous CNY Gathering 2019
Happy Chinese New Year!
How much toothpaste is needed?
Ever wondered why the toothpaste tube says to only use a pea sized amount?
Tooth Fairy
What are the perks of keeping the idea of 'Tooth Fairy' alive?
Prevention is key!
Did you know that your stained teeth could be just stained, built up tartar?
Braces aren’t just for aesthetic reasons!
Surprise! Braces aren't just for aesthetic reasons!
Night Snacks
Brushed your teeth THEN remembered about the cake you were saving for supper?
Grinding your teeth?
Woke up with a sore jaw?
Red wine is good for the heart?
While red wine in moderation has been proven to be good for your heart
Mouthwash is a great way to freshen up your breath quickly
Does your toothbrush look like this?
Always end up with toothbrushes that look like this?